Nashville Public Education Foundation, 140 businesses team for campaign
Through its second annual Show Your Love for Teachers campaign, the Nashville Public Education Foundation has announced more than 140 businesses are now providing discounts as part of a citywide effort to recognize and reward Nashville’s 6,800 public school educators.
The foundation is joined by the Mayor’s Office and Metro Nashville Public Schools in the effort.
The 140 marks a sevenfold increase from 2016’s participation figure.
May represents a start of the campaign, with many of the discounts to last throughout the year, and range from 5 percent to 50 percent off services, plus free admission at several venues. The NPEF will continue to grow the discount program and maintain a list on its website as a resource.
“Recognizing and rewarding great teaching is one of the Foundation’s top priorities,” said Shannon Hunt, NPEF president and CEO. “Without great teachers, nothing else we want for our public schools is possible. Show Your Love is all about coming together as a city to celebrate dedicated public school teachers and begin to more intentionally show that our city values the contributions they make every day to the future of our city.”
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