
Our infographics, policy briefs, reports, and other resources increase understanding of critical topics in public education and provide support for research-based solutions.

2024 Year In Review

Our annual review highlights our impact in 2024 and provides spotlights on some of our flagship programs. Check out this year's report to see how NPEF raises awareness about critical topics in public education and invests in research-driven solutions that help all students thrive.
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What Works in Urban Education: Teacher Recruitment

The first in our What Works in Urban Education series highlights the challenge of teacher recruitment and shares several creative practices showing promise in recruiting public school teachers across the country.
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2023 Year in Review

Our annual Year in Review highlights our impact in the 2023 and our work towards ensuring all students thrive in public schools. This year's report highlights our resources, convenings, programs, strategic partnerships, and investments to identify challenges that get in the way of student success and advance evidence-based solutions.
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Toward Equity in Education: Prioritizing Nashville’s children and youth to reach student success

Our latest policy brief takes a look at the impact of Nashville's 2010 Child and Youth Master Plan, 14 For Our Future, and provides a baseline assessment of the progress on child and youth outcomes since 2010.
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2022 Year in Review

Our Year in Review shows our work in 2022 towards every child thriving in our public schools each day. Read the report to learn more about how we celebrate success and innovation, support Metro Schools, convene stakeholders, and advocate for change.
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Designing the Future: How Measuring and Mapping Student Opportunities in Nashville Can Improve Outcomes for Kids

Our newest policy brief explores how measuring and mapping data about student experiences in and out of school is critical to informing policies and practices that help ensure all Nashville’s children and youth thrive. In the brief, we call for a Nashville Children and Youth Opportunity Index and recommend the school district build on its Equity Roadmap by regularly reporting on equity metrics.
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By Design: How Nashville Created and Sustains Inequities in our Schools

Our policy brief further unpacks how city structures and systems prevent low-income students and students of color from thriving. The brief outlines specific policies and decisions in our city's history - such as housing and zoning decisions - that have established, exacerbated, and continue to perpetuate inequities for students and families.
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2022 Bridge to Completion report

This is the fifth in a series of reports completed in partnership between the Nashville Public Education Foundation and the Tennessee College Access and Success Network. The report analyzes MNPS graduate data to identify trends in college enrollment, persistence, and attainment, as well as makes recommendations for how the city and state can improve and align supports for graduates to improve postsecondary attainment. The report also includes profiles detailing graduates' college-going for each MNPS high school.
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2021 Annual Report

Our annual report shows our work in 2021 towards our mission of every student thriving in school each day. Read the report to learn more about how and why we advocate for change, promote excellence and innovation, support MNPS, and convene stakeholders to drive community solutions.
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Policy Agenda

Our policy agenda focuses on two areas: school conditions and city and state systems. We believe collective action in both of these focus areas is crucial to eliminating inequities and barriers to educational experiences so that all students thrive.
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Bridge to Completion 2021

The 2021 Bridge to Completion report analyzes MNPS graduate data to identify trends in college enrollment, persistence, and attainment. The report makes several recommendations to improve the supports and opportunities for students to succeed in college and career, with an added lens of the effects on college-going of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Funding Our Schools: How Tennessee's Funding Formula Fails to Meet the Needs of Nashville's Students

Read our informational Policy Brief detailing what the BEP is, the challenges the current funding formula presents, and its significant consequences for our district, schools, and students. 
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2020 Progress Report

Read our 2020 Progress Report to learn about our work as conveners, collaborators, and investors towards our goals: supporting teachers and leaders, celebrating success, and advocating for change.
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Bridge to Completion 2020

This is the third in a series of reports that analyze college-going data of MNPS graduates and use that data to understand the barriers affecting college completion in our city and make recommendations on how to eliminate them.
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Bridge to Completion 2019

This report goes beyond 2018 report data by digging into the student pipeline across race and ethnicity and across district schools to better highlight opportunities to increase college completion.
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Bridge to Completion 2018

This report takes a look into the challenges and barriers that high school and college students face, and suggests a community effort to bring up Nashville’s college-going and college-completion rates to the national average.
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A Framework for Thriving Schools

Our Thriving Schools Framework explores the conditions necessary to create thriving schools and explains how the presence of these conditions leads to increased student performance and agency.
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NPEF Inequities Brief

This brief includes our recommendations for identifying and dismantling the inequities baked into our schools and communities that prevent too many of our students from thriving.
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