Trying to remember that one data point on principal matching?  Want to see how Denver built their leadership tracking system?  Take a peek at these artifacts to refresh your memory on all we accomplished.

Leadership Framework

Workshops 1, 2, and 3 led the Core Team to formally adopting a Leadership Framework. It was designed to be validated, explicit, practical, and dynamic. The framework adapts to all roles, responsibilities, behaviors, and evaluation metrics.

Leadership Framework


Defining look-fors or evidence of preferred school leader behavior is a collaborative calibration effort suitable for executive directors and district leadership. During workshop 4, said MNPS leaders Identified look-fors in the Leadership Framework to help embed the framework into the reality of work in the district.


Workshop 1 - 10/01/20

Data Analysis

NPEF and TERA co-facilitated a discussion about the data analysis of MNPS principal effectiveness. This workshop and data analysis created the foundation for the remainder of the project, providing the hard data that justified recommendations and changes to the way the district currently selects, develops, and retains principals.

Workshop 1 - 10/01/20

Workshop 2 - 10/22/20

MNPS Values, Belief, and Leadership

 This discussion culminated in adopting a set of shared belief statements about the role of the principal, the competencies needed for the job, and the role of the district in supporting principals.

Workshop 2 - 10/22/20

Workshop 3 - 10/29/20

Creating a Leadership Framework

Workshops 1 and 2 acknowledged the MNPS Leadership Framework was not leveraged to full capacity.  This workshop generated a discussion around the purpose and use of a Leadership Framework and what makes a highly effective framework. The discussion concluded with the formal adoption of a leadership framework.

Workshop 3 - 10/29/20

Workshop 4 - 11/17/20

Strategies for Selecting, Building the Bench, and Developing Leaders

Developed an action plan of eight quick win strategies and seven longer-term strategies for improving the way the district selects, builds its pipeline, and develops leaders.

Workshop 4 - 11/17/20

Workshop 5 - 12/02/20

Identifying Look-fors in the Leadership Framework

Specifically designed for the principal supervisor, this discussion centered on the importance of understanding and using the Leadership Framework. This led to identifying the role of the supervisor. As a result, a generated list of detailed look-fors for each component of the Leadership Framework.

Workshop 5 - 12/02/20

Workshop 6 - 12/10/20

Leadership Mapping

The Leadership Mapping Protocol guided the Core Team through a process to build out succession planning for the district. The facilitation introduced best practices to create buy-in around succession planning and provide a set of tools to guide decision making in the district.

Workshop 6 - 12/10/20

Workshop 7 - 01/21/21

Metrics of Success

During is workshop the Core Team calibrated and generated goals for the Principal Quality Initiative. Lastly, the group identified metrics for each goal to measure progress.  

Workshop 7 - 01/21/21

Selection Sample Tool

The Leadership Mapping workshop helped develop a framework for succession planning based on best practice. The discussion concluded with a guided demonstration of the succession planning tool. While there is no expectation to duplicate the tool for MNPS use, the intention is to use it as a template to determine what critical elements are needed for the tool to be fully effective.

Selection and School Profile Sample Tool