Browse this page to explore the five top priorities and six long-term strategies for improving principal quality in MNPS.  Each strategy overview provides context on how the recommendation supports principal quality and detailed action steps on how to initiate action.  Use these resources as a reference to establish, adapt, and sustain principal quality work in MNPS.

Top Priorities

The priorities outlined below lay the foundation for implementing the long-term strategies. The strategies are designed to have a low-impact on staff capacity as many of them were jumpstarted collaboratively throughout Principal Quality Project workshops or support leadership initiatives that are already underway.

Implement Project Management

Implementation can sometimes feel daunting. Click here to learn how to prioritize the work in a less intimidating, actionable way!

Communicate the Leadership Framework

The Leadership Framework is at the center of the principal quality work. The framework serves as an anchor to ground all decisions in principal hiring, placement, development, and evaluation. Click here to learn the steps on how to share the newly adopted framework with leaders across the district.

Align Professional Learning to the Framework

Building the district’s professional learning around the Leadership Framework provides continuity of skill expectations and signals that leadership exists and is valued at all levels in the organization. Click here to learn best practices on how to align the framework to professional learning.

Develop ED's and Principals' Skills Using the Leadership Framework

Using the leadership framework to develop Principal and Executive Directors’ skills is essential in building the capacity of those who will live with and execute the framework daily. Click here to learn how we recommend approaching this process.

Align Selection Process to Leadership Framework

Implementation can sometimes feel daunting. Click here to learn how to prioritize the work in a less intimidating, actionable way!

Long-Term Recommendations

Explore the links below to learn more about long-term strategies that require significant time, resources, and commitment, but are essential for building a sustainable and highly effective principal pipeline.

Develop a Leadership Tracking Tool

Need a quick way to identify trends, gaps, and needs for the leadership pool? Click here to explore how to build a robust tracking system that automates.

Implement Strategic Coaching and Feedback

Historically, coaching and feedback have been rooted in evaluative practices that do not yield sustainable leader growth. Click here to learn how to operationalize actionable and growth-oriented coaching and feedback methods to accelerate principal effectiveness.

Develop an Aspiring Leader Program

An aspiring leader program develops the district’s bench with qualified leaders. Participants become members of the “farm team” who are ready to be called up when principal vacancies need to be filled. Click here to learn how to develop and sustain an internal aspiring leader program.

Implement Succession Planning

Principal turnover is inevitable, but how do you prepare for those changes when there are not enough qualified leaders to step into vacant principal roles? Click here to examine the steps to create an effective succession planning strategy that will prepare individuals for leadership roles.

Develop Early Career Supports

With a third of the district’s principals in their first three years of serving, strategic support is critical to increasing their effectiveness. Click here to learn how to initiate support for early-career principals that will provide them with the tools to be successful.

Potential Pilot Strategies for Deepening Impact

Pilot strategies are a set of strategies that can be adapted for MNPS to employ for scenarios such as succession planning and building the bench. Click here to learn more.